Saturday, August 05, 2006

Prayer Meetings - some thoughts

I came across a great post over at Doxologue discussing the mid-week prayer meeting that is somewhat common in US churches. David discussed how his church uses their mid-week prayer time with a good basic description of how the prayer meeting progresses through the evening. He touches briefly on how some churches have turned this time into a time of teaching rather than prayer.

The last paragraph dealt with churches not encouring their members to come together for this time of corporate prayer. It also touched on how we as believers tend to get caught up in other events. This touched a chord with me as I know I tend to make excuses rather than try to attend the church's regular Wednesday meeting. "The traffic is too rough." "I'm busy helping the churches I serve through my job." "I got in late today so I need to stay late." (Now there's a lame excuse - especially for my current company/position.)

Excellent read and well worth checking out this site in general as the posts are always excellent and thought-provoking.

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