Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Butt of Too Many Jokes - Contemporary Christianity in the USA

I'm not really a King of the Hill fan, though I understand that quite a few people find it amusing. Only reason this stuck in my mind is due to this post:
Challies Dot Com: The Butt of Too Many Jokes

I liked the basic premise of the discussion - contemporary Christian culture in the USofA. We get caught up in things about Christianity that are cool and tend to discard them when they aren't fashionable anymore. He brought up WWJD branded items, magazines, music and similar items that are fads and then as their popularity wanes, they are relegated to a box somewhere or a garage sale. The best quote I read was along the lines of how we need to be careful about how we treat God so that He doesn't end up in that box of all the things that were fads and have now been put away because they aren't cool anymore.

How am I presenting God to my family? Am I careful to present God to them so that He isn't something that will pass if He becomes uncool? Sure, VeggieTales are great, but I'm sure that their popularity will fade at some point. The same holds true for jewelry, clothing, books, pop music. Sure some of them will last longer than others, but God is so much more than those things. Definitely something that I plan to think about some more.

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