Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MuseScore - an open-source music editor

Messing around today with trying to re-arrange 'Til the Storm Passes By (Mosie Lister) for a male quartet. Came across the MuseScore software and was pretty impressed with its capabilities for an open-source project. It looks like it may be a real option in order to edit music on Windows, Linux, or Mac. My only complain right now is that it seems to crash before I've gotten very far, but I'm using a nightly build so that doesn't give me a lot of room to complain.  I don't have a MIDI keyboard and MIDI input is not supported in Windows at this time - no big deal.  The general note entry seemed easy enough.  Just trying to figure out how to do a Barbershop-style arrangement.  After that, it's time to tweak the voicing a little so it sounds better and is still singable by our group.

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