Saturday, March 11, 2006

Knock Knock jokes already?

No idea where this came from, but Eliana decided to start telling knock knock jokes. Her first one was: "Knock Knock" "Who's there?" "Mom, it's me! Eliana!"

I tried to tell her the interrupting cow one - (Interrupting cow who? with a MOOOOO while the person asks the "who" line.) She loved it, even if she was a little startled by it. She then tried to tell it herself. She struggles through the word "interrupting" (go figure) and can't quite get the timing to MOOOO while the person is asking "Interrupting cow who?".

More recently, she started trying to make up ones about Cheese (Cheese on Hamburger) and other common things along those lines. It's cute watching her try to figure out the humor behind the jokes and seeing her so tickled by her versions.

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